Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Writing A Realtor Bio | A 9 Step Checklist

Realtor Bio Checklist

Did you know that the "About " page is the most viewed page on your Real Estate website? Often your bio is "The Main Attraction" on social media sites.  So, how do you go about writing a bio?

Remember, as your mother said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So it is important to take the time to write a biography with a wow factor.

The ultimate goal in writing your perfect bio is to attract the type of client you want to serve.

But Before you start to writing a biography...

I suggest that you take the time to identify a significant component  of your real estate bio. Okay yes this sounds meaningless...but you should think about what you want your potential clients to think and understand about you. [This is where your niche and target market come into play, but that is another article.]

Once you have this figured out,  onto the “MEET” of your bio.

1. Always write your Real Estate bio in the third person.

2.  Put your name in the first sentence of your bio.

3. State your occupation, accomplishments, certifications early in the bio.


4.  Add in humor and personality. A  good example of this would be
“[Agent] is a great Juggler and gets the job done. She has three children... a five-year-old son, an eight-year-old daughter  and one husband”.

Be yourself. Here is a biography example that I love   from  Barbara Corcoran of the Corcoran group, a real estate brokerage and the television program Shark Tank.

"Barbara is famously brash and blunt, bold and courageous. and a brilliant identifier of opportunity and talent (often invisible to others)."

Real Estate Agent's bios tend to be old and stuffy. They typically lack humor and a certain human touch. Quite frankly, most of them are not appealing at all.

People buy from people and a potential client needs to "get you. They need to trust you and believe in your skills. This is where recommendations and reviews are very important. Here is a link to a video I created on getting recommendations on

You must present yourself in a professional manner but with a personal element.

5. Next, you should mention any volunteer work. This humanizes you.

6. Finally, Add your contact information including telephone number and email address.

7. Rinse, wash and repeat.

Read your bio/profile, get your family and friends to review and critique it.

8. And... make sure the layout of your bio is easy to read. Defy the rules; we are taught in school that a paragraph consists of a minimum of three sentences. It is not necessary to follow this rule when writing a biography. No long paragraphs [boring]  make sure your bio is….

Visually Easy to read.

As you can see I have used Two techniques in this article:

  • Eye appealing fonts
  • Add color

The last part of creating an appealing Real Estate Agent bio is a simple click of a button [Spell check]

9. Check your grammar. Spell check, spell check, and spell check some more before presenting yourself and your bio to the online world.

So in conclusion:

When writing a bio, state the facts about your career, add a dash of your personality and humor and then give the reader just enough about you so they want to contact and ultimately hire you.

As always, any questions at all contact me at or here or at 954.993.4456

Friday, October 23, 2015

Where in the world...

Have a website? Do you know where on the planet the visitors to your site are located? Do you know where your website traffic is coming from?  Are they around the corner, in your home state, say Ohio or Tim Puck Two?

Important to know right?

In the world of the internet, there are so many bits and pieces to understand. The BIG question is what is important and honestly what is a waste of your valuable time.  With that in mind, there is one valuable tool you should incorporate into your website. Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Will Provide

The location of the visitor. I posted an article about the upcoming winter weather that ties in with this concept.
Language of the visitor
Age of potential client…Think target audience a.k. A  Baby Boomer, First Time Home Buyer…
How long they stay on your site... obviously the longer, the better.
Where are they leaving your website ...for example does your contact us page work

There is loads more information available that you can glean from Google Analytics, but right now I will not bore you with this stuff. BUT here are the steps to create a Google Analytics. I have put a link and the actual email address so you do not think anything funky is going on!

Create a Google Email Account.
Sign into Google Analytics.
Once in your account go to the “Admin” tab along the top of the page.

You will see three columns, go to the first”Account” column, click the down arrow (on the right-hand side) and “Create New Account”.


Once you complete this step, you will find a code beginning with a UA and put this into your website. All WordPress websites have a "home" for this code.

Give it a few days and you will start receiving information. You then will need to log into your Google Analytics account to review information about your website traffic.

This is very basic information, but it is a start. If you are not monitoring your website, this simple step will give you valuable information about potential buyers and sellers.

We are offering a new Real Estate Social Media Update Package. Find out more about this service here.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Through The Eyes Of A Stranger

Have you ever stepped back and viewed your online profile through the eyes of a potential client? I did recently and amended my website and online presence. I will put the link below for your comments… BUT this email chatter is not about me,

It is about YOU. What is it your mother used to say?
  You never get a second chance to make a first impression.. and dang she was right.

If a potential client finds you online will you make a positive impression? Will they mumble to themselves…” Self ...This is a Realtor that I can work with, he/she ticks all my boxes.I will hire her/him. I like what I see.

Sure we all have Facebook profiles and maybe the odd Instagram and Pinterest but are they up to date? Do they present you and your real estate practice in a professional manner?

  • Is the message the same (it should be)
  • Are your profile images the same (ditto above)
  • Is your contact information correct?
  • Can your logo (think branding) be seen… everywhere?
  • Does your profile contain your hard earned designations?

Here is a simple test to review your presence online.
“Google” yourself and your business.

Do you like what you see? Do the results present the professional image you wish to obtain or aspire to? Is the information you find accurate and timely? Will the content, pictures and profiles ROCK the world of a potential client and interest them enough to send an email or the ultimate telephone call?

Are you saying... Who has the time to fuss with all these vital social media updates?

Glad you asked. I have just put together another service for you; The Social Media Update Package is now live online on my newly updated website. This package will update/revise/amend your social presence.
Find out about this service here: 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Real Estate Journey Down Memory Lane

Image the view of real estate from the International Space Station. Daily activities of a Realtor®  have changed so quickly. This post takes a journey down memory lane. 
Here is how this post came was born...
This past Sunday as I lay in bed I logged onto the International Space Station. I recall as a youngster watching the first man step foot on the moon (on a black and white television if I remember correctly). The International Space Station circles the globe every 90 minutes and viewers can see all that transpires in real time.  
 I was mesmerized.
This led me to think about the changes we have all experienced in the last number of years. Obviously this stems from the invention of the Internet and all that followed this discovery. These technological advances and changes have certainly had its effect on the world of real estate. 
For example and back in the day listings were presented in paperback books only available to Real Estate Brokerages. In many cases, plat books were used to determine locations and boundary lines. Closing packages were couriered to title companies.
 Consumers were reliant on you, the Realtor®.
Sure buyers drove around neighborhoods in search of the old familiar yard sign and still do but a Realtor was the “key to the front door”. That key, by the way, was picked up by the buyer’s agent at the listing brokerage’s office...whew!
 A Realtor® was contacted, believe it or not on a land line telephone, next came the age of the beeper and soon after the mobile phone.
 To find a property, ye good ole map was used.
My my things have changed. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and the list goes on including the newly promoted in the Florida Realtor Magazine and my recent post here.
 I am curious. What social sites do you use? I have created a quick poll and would appreciate your input.
Do you recall other aspects of the real estate days gone by? Leave your comments below, I would love to know more!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Periscope For Real Estate | Open House On Steroids

There are many; I mean TONS of social media platforms. An article I read recently noted some 500 social sites. Headspin.The purpose of these posts is to present to you, the Realtor a selection of social media platforms I feel are worthy of  your attention and implementation into your practice. Today,  I would like to introduce you to Periscope for Real Estate
Here is the  scoop on Periscope for Real Estate.
Periscope is a relatively a new app.
This social media newbie allows the user to broadcast live video. INSTANTLY and yes, all over the world. LIVE broadcasting folks from your mobile phone or tablet.
Think of all the possibilities for marketing a listing? I consider Periscope for Real Estate the equivalent to an Open House on steroids. Imagine an email blast informing potential clients of an upcoming Periscope Open House.

The event can be announced on...
  • Your Facebook Events page
  • Your Website
  • Your Blog
  • YouTube and more
And I did not forget Twitter, who just purchased Periscope this year. You can Tweet an upcoming event on this social platform.
Heck, you could even create a Periscope broadcast prior to the event.
Yes, that is one of the features of Periscope. The board cast can be replayed over and over and over again. Replays last for 24 hours and then are automatically removed… talk about an immediate call to action. Get it while it is hot concept.
Imagine creating a “private and exclusive”  Periscope For Real Estate showing….
And the COOLEST part, viewers can comment, ask questions during your live broadcast. None of this I will text you or email you with questions. On the spot, at the same moment, done, dusted, next.
Participants can send you  “hearts” to show their appreciation. While I think this is rather lame the more hearts a viewing gets the more your video has a chance of receiving the “academy award of periscope”, the “Most Loved” list.
Yes Periscope is available in a vast number of languages.
Lastly, for brokers Periscope for Real Estate can be used for recruitment purposes and training, to name a few.
Interested in working with us, contact LocalFace Marketing.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Infographics, the modern day substitute for the comic book.

All infographics tell a story for the reader in an easy to read and understandable format. You will find infographics everywhere, from websites like this to articles in the Wall Street Journal. There are many free sites that enable the user to create infographics, two worth looking at are and yes this .am is correct). Ideas for the use of this form of content include creating checklists, tips and lessons( tutorials).
Sample One   How to Buy a Foreclosed Home s in Davie and Cooper City, Florida FINAL Infographics for real estate brokerages 1