Friday, October 16, 2015

Through The Eyes Of A Stranger

Have you ever stepped back and viewed your online profile through the eyes of a potential client? I did recently and amended my website and online presence. I will put the link below for your comments… BUT this email chatter is not about me,

It is about YOU. What is it your mother used to say?
  You never get a second chance to make a first impression.. and dang she was right.

If a potential client finds you online will you make a positive impression? Will they mumble to themselves…” Self ...This is a Realtor that I can work with, he/she ticks all my boxes.I will hire her/him. I like what I see.

Sure we all have Facebook profiles and maybe the odd Instagram and Pinterest but are they up to date? Do they present you and your real estate practice in a professional manner?

  • Is the message the same (it should be)
  • Are your profile images the same (ditto above)
  • Is your contact information correct?
  • Can your logo (think branding) be seen… everywhere?
  • Does your profile contain your hard earned designations?

Here is a simple test to review your presence online.
“Google” yourself and your business.

Do you like what you see? Do the results present the professional image you wish to obtain or aspire to? Is the information you find accurate and timely? Will the content, pictures and profiles ROCK the world of a potential client and interest them enough to send an email or the ultimate telephone call?

Are you saying... Who has the time to fuss with all these vital social media updates?

Glad you asked. I have just put together another service for you; The Social Media Update Package is now live online on my newly updated website. This package will update/revise/amend your social presence.
Find out about this service here: 

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