Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Real Estate Journey Down Memory Lane

Image the view of real estate from the International Space Station. Daily activities of a Realtor®  have changed so quickly. This post takes a journey down memory lane. 
Here is how this post came was born...
This past Sunday as I lay in bed I logged onto the International Space Station. I recall as a youngster watching the first man step foot on the moon (on a black and white television if I remember correctly). The International Space Station circles the globe every 90 minutes and viewers can see all that transpires in real time.  
 I was mesmerized.
This led me to think about the changes we have all experienced in the last number of years. Obviously this stems from the invention of the Internet and all that followed this discovery. These technological advances and changes have certainly had its effect on the world of real estate. 
For example and back in the day listings were presented in paperback books only available to Real Estate Brokerages. In many cases, plat books were used to determine locations and boundary lines. Closing packages were couriered to title companies.
 Consumers were reliant on you, the Realtor®.
Sure buyers drove around neighborhoods in search of the old familiar yard sign and still do but a Realtor was the “key to the front door”. That key, by the way, was picked up by the buyer’s agent at the listing brokerage’s office...whew!
 A Realtor® was contacted, believe it or not on a land line telephone, next came the age of the beeper and soon after the mobile phone.
 To find a property, ye good ole map was used.
My my things have changed. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and the list goes on including the newly promoted in the Florida Realtor Magazine and my recent post here.
 I am curious. What social sites do you use? I have created a quick poll and would appreciate your input.
Do you recall other aspects of the real estate days gone by? Leave your comments below, I would love to know more!

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