Friday, October 23, 2015

Where in the world...

Have a website? Do you know where on the planet the visitors to your site are located? Do you know where your website traffic is coming from?  Are they around the corner, in your home state, say Ohio or Tim Puck Two?

Important to know right?

In the world of the internet, there are so many bits and pieces to understand. The BIG question is what is important and honestly what is a waste of your valuable time.  With that in mind, there is one valuable tool you should incorporate into your website. Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Will Provide

The location of the visitor. I posted an article about the upcoming winter weather that ties in with this concept.
Language of the visitor
Age of potential client…Think target audience a.k. A  Baby Boomer, First Time Home Buyer…
How long they stay on your site... obviously the longer, the better.
Where are they leaving your website ...for example does your contact us page work

There is loads more information available that you can glean from Google Analytics, but right now I will not bore you with this stuff. BUT here are the steps to create a Google Analytics. I have put a link and the actual email address so you do not think anything funky is going on!

Create a Google Email Account.
Sign into Google Analytics.
Once in your account go to the “Admin” tab along the top of the page.

You will see three columns, go to the first”Account” column, click the down arrow (on the right-hand side) and “Create New Account”.


Once you complete this step, you will find a code beginning with a UA and put this into your website. All WordPress websites have a "home" for this code.

Give it a few days and you will start receiving information. You then will need to log into your Google Analytics account to review information about your website traffic.

This is very basic information, but it is a start. If you are not monitoring your website, this simple step will give you valuable information about potential buyers and sellers.

We are offering a new Real Estate Social Media Update Package. Find out more about this service here.


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