Sunday, August 23, 2015

Google, The Farmer's Almanac and Your Real Estate Business

The news is out from the Farmer's Almanac.The weather up north this coming winter is set to be cold and nasty.

Chuckle Chuckle!

Today's Online Real Estate Marketing Tip is designed to prepare you now for your marketing efforts over the winter months. My aim is to show you how you can really target, by location, your advertising, whether it be online or traditional in style.

Google offer a tool called Google Analytics. Without getting too geeky this tool, placed in the back end of your website provides a lot of great information.

One feature of Google Analytics is the "Location" feature. This report allows you to see where the traffic is coming from to your website. It is a pretty cool tool as it zooms down to country, state, and quite often it picks up towns/cities.

So rather then spending your advertising dollars " willy nilly" by using Google Analytics you can spend your money wisely.

This concept can be used by Realtors and Hotel/s Motels.. anyone wishing to attract custom from the cold and nasty weather...another Chuckle Chuckle.

Hope this marketing tip helps! 

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