Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Extra Cheese On Your Pizza | Website Plugins

real estate website design

Have you ever ordered a pizza and requested additional toppings? Confess.. sure you have. The extra gooey cheese and perhaps pepperoni just add the necessary extra mouthwatering kick. And so, website plugins can be viewed as the extra enhancement o your real estate website design, the extra kick. They provide the extra WOW.

Hopefully, I have caught your attention, and now I will be quick and to the point.

Plugins are additional components you can add to your website. They give your website design that extra sparkle and at the same time they perform valuable functions.

Below is a list of plugins I find most effective in many a website:

  • Google Analytics By Yoast- Without getting too geeky, this tool will help you see where your website traffic is coming from (the location) I referred to this concept in a previous post regarding your winter time real estate marketing. There are many many features of this plugin; it is my favorite.
  • WP Contact 7- Used for creation of website sign up forms
  • Back Up Draft- As the name implies, this is used to copy the content on your website just in case something goes wrong. YIKES!
  • Akismet- This plugin reviews comments from viewers on your website and checks for dreaded spam.
  • Schema Create by Raven- In a nutshell this additional tool allows the search engines, namely the big boy Google to make sense of your website.

Plugins are easy to install and in most cases free. Depending on your requirements there are also plugins that allow for language translation, additional image inputs, email marketing campaigns, shopping carts and more. Many Wordpress themes come with several plugins as a part of the overall package.

BTW, these additional features can be added at any time to your Wordpress website. So, if you are missing something, don’t worry they can be added to your existing website. If you are setting about to create a website the above plugins are a must have.

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