Thursday, May 7, 2015

Art Thou Responsive Oh Email Of Mine???

Are your emails responsive? (Geeky term for visible on mobile devices and tablets)

Last week I had a conversation with a rep from Constant Contact, the email service provider. I was told that 65% of the views of the emails sent from their service are viewed on a mobile/tablet. Yeswire, another service I use reports that that number to be 70% views on a tablet/mobile.

At the end of the day, the numbers do not lie...

So my question to you, is the service you are using mobile friendly?

Not all the templates used by Constant Contact are responsive. They offer a service($) to convert a template you are using that might not be suitable. If you use Constant Contact you can get hold of them here.

Mailchimp report on their website the following:

"Our templates and forms are mobile-ready out of the box, so you don't have to worry about coding anything special to make sure your emails look good on different screens."

And finally I am just off the telephone with iContact. They report that all 680 of their templates are responsive in design.

Emailing, while still considered" traditional marketing" should be, in my most humble opinion, a part of you

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