Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Writing A Realtor Bio | A 9 Step Checklist

Realtor Bio Checklist

Did you know that the "About " page is the most viewed page on your Real Estate website? Often your bio is "The Main Attraction" on social media sites.  So, how do you go about writing a bio?

Remember, as your mother said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So it is important to take the time to write a biography with a wow factor.

The ultimate goal in writing your perfect bio is to attract the type of client you want to serve.

But Before you start to writing a biography...

I suggest that you take the time to identify a significant component  of your real estate bio. Okay yes this sounds meaningless...but you should think about what you want your potential clients to think and understand about you. [This is where your niche and target market come into play, but that is another article.]

Once you have this figured out,  onto the “MEET” of your bio.

1. Always write your Real Estate bio in the third person.

2.  Put your name in the first sentence of your bio.

3. State your occupation, accomplishments, certifications early in the bio.


4.  Add in humor and personality. A  good example of this would be
“[Agent] is a great Juggler and gets the job done. She has three children... a five-year-old son, an eight-year-old daughter  and one husband”.

Be yourself. Here is a biography example that I love   from  Barbara Corcoran of the Corcoran group, a real estate brokerage and the television program Shark Tank.

"Barbara is famously brash and blunt, bold and courageous. and a brilliant identifier of opportunity and talent (often invisible to others)."

Real Estate Agent's bios tend to be old and stuffy. They typically lack humor and a certain human touch. Quite frankly, most of them are not appealing at all.

People buy from people and a potential client needs to "get you. They need to trust you and believe in your skills. This is where recommendations and reviews are very important. Here is a link to a video I created on getting recommendations on

You must present yourself in a professional manner but with a personal element.

5. Next, you should mention any volunteer work. This humanizes you.

6. Finally, Add your contact information including telephone number and email address.

7. Rinse, wash and repeat.

Read your bio/profile, get your family and friends to review and critique it.

8. And... make sure the layout of your bio is easy to read. Defy the rules; we are taught in school that a paragraph consists of a minimum of three sentences. It is not necessary to follow this rule when writing a biography. No long paragraphs [boring]  make sure your bio is….

Visually Easy to read.

As you can see I have used Two techniques in this article:

  • Eye appealing fonts
  • Add color

The last part of creating an appealing Real Estate Agent bio is a simple click of a button [Spell check]

9. Check your grammar. Spell check, spell check, and spell check some more before presenting yourself and your bio to the online world.

So in conclusion:

When writing a bio, state the facts about your career, add a dash of your personality and humor and then give the reader just enough about you so they want to contact and ultimately hire you.

As always, any questions at all contact me at or here or at 954.993.4456

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