Full disclosure.

This article might offend some real estate agents, and I apologize in advance. As mentioned in my bio, I was an active Realtor not so many moons ago.

Many a time, I fell into this trap (below), so the finger is as much pointed at me. I did not have a viable marketing plan. In Monday morning’s Business section of the Miami Herald, I was reminded of that “thing” Realtors offer with the anticipation of the phone ringing, securing an appointment and then the subsequent listing.

Hallelujah played in the background ( turn up the volume)

That thing I refer to is the "Complimentary Marketing Analysis". We all at some point have fallen into this trap. This is a poor quality strategy, and so I am here to tell you... GET REAL! As a matter of fact, this is no strategy at all, in my humble opinion. All this does is waste your time and money.

And really what benefit does this offering do to any potential client?


Anytime someone seeks a value in their home they already know it. If they are looking to put their home on the market, I will bet my last euro they have done their research. I suspect that secretly, they are on the hunt for those imaginary few extra dollars you promise them in your “free market analysis”.

And yes, getting yourself in front of a client is key but behind that step you must have a viable marketing plan.

The way in which to gain success is incorporating a viable marketing plan THE premier goal in any marketing, whether it be print or virtual should be a complete marketing plan, your strategy.

A full marketing plan must be well thought out.

If must include, believe it or not, the old-fashioned tried and tested print advertising that includes postcards and print advertising. Email marketing is a must.

Of course, online marketing is also key BUT choose your platforms with care. Test them for a period, amend, by gosh eliminate some if they are not producing results.

I hope my ranting has impressed upon you the value of having a marketing plan, a roadmap to success so to speak.