Friday, September 11, 2015

From Hats to Houses | The Power of Video

This video is presented by the NAR and is an interview with Ebby Halliday.

For those of us who hadn't a clue who this marvelous woman is here is quick summary;

A sales person at heart Ms. Halliday started her career selling hats, then switched to homes in, wait for it, in 1945... when even I was not around. At one point in time,  Ms. Halliday was the national leader of the WCR. She was involved in the conception of many designations.

I could go on, and this email could just become a list of annoying facts... and thus the purpose of this email. 

The power of video implementation in your marketing cannot be stressed enough. 

If you watch even a portion of this interview, you can see the power of this woman. This does not come across in mere words and my translations.

Visual and verbal displays are outstanding. They make us connect. You can FEEL the power of Ms.Halliday. And so, the purpose of this email, start recording videos.

If you have just over 22 minutes, I suggest viewing this video. Ebby Halliday, at age 97 ROCKS.

UPDATE... It is with much sadness that I report the passing of this maverick. Ebby Halliday left us this past week, age 104 years young.

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